A celebration of life means honouring the way someone lived.

Memorial donations are a meaningful way to pay tribute to a relative, friend or colleague who has passed. When you make a memorial donation to the CHEO Foundation you honour a special life by helping to improve the lives of children and their families across eastern Ontario and western Quebec.

Order Memorial Donation Cards

If you would like to place an order for Memorial Donation Cards, please contact Julie Wade by email at [email protected] or  at 613-738-3695.

Making a memorial donation is easy

Donate online or mail your donation to:

CHEO Foundation
c/o Tribute Program
415 Smyth
Ottawa, ON

Upon receipt of your donation, we will send a letter to the honouree’s next of kin in acknowledgement of your special gift (the amount of your donation will be kept strictly confidential). When sending a memorial donation, please include the name of the honouree, as well as the name and address of the next of kin.

For more information, please contact Julie Wade by email at [email protected] or  at 613-738-3695..

How to direct donations in memory of your loved one

Your funeral director can help you with this. The CHEO Foundation has relationships with funeral homes throughout the Ottawa and Gatineau regions and we work together to support you during this difficult time.

All you need to do is inform your funeral home that you wish to have donations to the CHEO Foundation in lieu of flowers and they will do the rest.

How to inform guests to donate to the CHEO Foundation in lieu of flowers

Your funeral director can guide you on this but most commonly people write in the funeral notice:
“In lieu of flowers a donation in memory of (name of loved one) to the CHEO Foundation would be appreciated.”

How will you know who donated in lieu of flowers

After donations have been made in lieu of flowers, you will receive an acknowledgment letter with a summary of the thoughtful gifts of others.

Thank you for choosing to honour the memory of your loved one by supporting CHEO.


Upcoming CHEO Events

There are so many different events that happen in support of CHEO and for that we are most grateful. Please check out our special events calendar so you can join us and help make a difference. Feel free to become involved as a volunteer or organize your own event.

Mental Health Gala

Founded in 2017, The Mental Health Gala has become one of Ottawa’s leading fundraisers in support of mental health care…

Team Morgan Car Wash

Team Morgan Car Wash WHEN: Saturday May 25, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. WHERE: Fire station 53 500…

Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend

Register for Ottawa Race Weekend as they celebrate 50 years of running and CHEO celebrates its 50th Birthday.   #ChooseCHEO…